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环球受钱伯斯邀请撰写《Digital Health 2021》之中国篇
2021年08月12日周磊 | 黄旭春 | 陈筝妮

受国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,环球律师事务所为其撰写《全球法律指南》系列中的《Digital Health(2021版)》之中国篇。针对每一篇章,钱伯斯都会邀请排行榜中的领先律所撰写相关篇章。


Chambers and Partners, one of the most authoritative international legal ranking agencies, invited Global Law Office to contribute to the Digital Health 2021 (China Chapter). Digital Health 2021 is a part of the Chambers Global Practice Guide Series. For each chapter, reputable and leading law firms ranked by Chambers and Partners would be invited to draft the relevant chapter.


此次《Digital Health(2021版)》之中国篇由环球律师事务所周磊黄旭春陈筝妮撰写。该指南着重介绍了数据健康相关的主题,涵盖医疗器械、医疗器械软件、远程医疗,医疗物联网,5G网络,人工智能,机器学习,云计算及所涉及的数据合规和监管合规等问题。如果您希望就本指南或者与本指南讨论的内容进一步交流,敬请联系撰文作者。


The Digital Health 2021 (China Chapter) is drafted by legal professionals at Global Law Office, namely Alan ZhouCharlene Huang, and Jenny Chen. This guide provides hot topics related to digital healthcare, covering medical device, software as a medical device (SaMD), telehealth, the internet of medical things (IoMT), 5G networks, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, along with the analysis on relevant data compliance and regulatory compliance issues. If you have any inquiries or comments about the publication or related issues, please feel free to contact the authors.
