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中华人民共和国出口管制法Export Control Law of the People’s Republic of China

中华人民共和国出口管制法 Export Control Law of the People’s Republic of China


Global Law translation for reference only (copyright reserved)

October 30, 2020


第一章 总   则

Chapter I General Provisions


第一条 为了维护国家安全和利益,履行防扩散等国际义务,加强和规范出口管制,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for purposes of safeguarding national security and interests, fulfilling nonproliferation and other international obligations, and strengthening and regulating export control.


第二条 国家对两用物项、军品、核以及其他与维护国家安全和利益、履行防扩散等国际义务相关的货物、技术、服务等物项(以下统称管制物项)的出口管制,适用本法。

Article 2 This Law shall apply to the State’s export control of dual-use items, military items, nuclear items, and other items such as goods, technologies, services that relate to maintenance of national security and interests, and fulfillment of nonproliferation and other international obligations (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “controlled items”).


The term “controlled items” referred to in the preceding paragraph includes the data such as technical information and so forth related to such items.


Export control of this Law refers to the prohibitive or restrictive measures taken by the State against the transfer of controlled items from within to outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China, and the act performed by a citizen, legal person or unincorporated organization of the People’s Republic of China to provide any foreign organization or individual with controlled items.


Dual-use items of this Law refer to goods, technologies and services that can be used for both civil and military purposes or contribute to elevating military power potentials, especially those can be used to design, develop, produce or employ weapons of mass destruction and their delivery vehicles.


Military items of this Law refer to equipment, special production facilities and other relevant goods, technologies and services used for military purposes.


Nuclear items of this Law refer to nuclear materials, nuclear equipment, non-nuclear materials used for reactors, and relevant technologies and services.


第三条 出口管制工作应当坚持总体国家安全观,维护国际和平,统筹安全和发展,完善出口管制管理和服务。

Article 3 Export control shall adhere to the holistic view of national security, safeguard international peace, coordinate security and developments, and improve administration and services of export control.


第四条 国家实行统一的出口管制制度,通过制定管制清单、名录或者目录(以下统称管制清单)、实施出口许可等方式进行管理。

Article 4 The State implements a unified export control regime administrated through formulating control lists, directories, and catalogues (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “control lists”) and implementing export licenses.


第五条 国务院、中央军事委员会承担出口管制职能的部门(以下统称国家出口管制管理部门)按照职责分工负责出口管制工作。国务院、中央军事委员会其他有关部门按照职责分工负责出口管制有关工作。

Article 5 Departments of the State Council and the Central Military Commission that perform the function of export control (hereinafter referred to as the “State’s export control administrative departments”) shall undertake export control related functions according to their assigned responsibilities. Other relevant departments of the State Council and the Central Military Commission shall discharge functions related to export control in accordance with their assigned responsibilities.


The State shall establish a coordination mechanism for export control to coordinate major issues of export control. The State’s export control administrative departments and relevant departments of the State Council shall closely cooperate and strengthen sharing of information.


The State’s export control administrative departments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, establish an expert consultation mechanism to provide advice on export control.


The State’s export control administrative departments issue guidelines on export control for the related industries in due course, and guide export operators in establishing sound export control internal compliance systems and standardizing operations.


The relevant departments of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall carry out relevant export control responsibilities in accordance with laws and administrative regulations.


第六条 国家加强出口管制国际合作,参与出口管制有关国际规则的制定。

Article 6 The State shall strengthen international cooperation on export control and take part in the formulation of international rules relating to export control.


第七条 出口经营者可以依法成立和参加有关的商会、协会等行业自律组织。

Article 7 Exporting business operators may establish and join relevant chambers of commerce, associations or other self-regulatory industrial organizations in accordance with the law.


Relevant chambers of commerce, associations, or other self-regulatory industrial organizations shall abide by laws and administrative regulations, provide services related to export control for their members according to their bylaws, and play their roles in coordination and self-regulation.


第二章 管制政策、管制清单和管制措施

Chapter II Control Policies, Lists and Measures


第一节 一般规定

Section 1 General Provisions


第八条 国家出口管制管理部门会同有关部门制定出口管制政策,其中重大政策应当报国务院批准,或者报国务院、中央军事委员会批准。

Article 8 The State’s export control administrative departments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, formulate export control policies, the major ones of which shall be submitted to the State Council or both the State Council and the Central Military Commission for approval.


The State’s export control administrative departments may make assessment of the countries and regions as destinations of the export of the controlled items to determine their risk levels and take corresponding control measures.


第九条 国家出口管制管理部门依据本法和有关法律、行政法规的规定,根据出口管制政策,按照规定程序会同有关部门制定、调整管制物项出口管制清单,并及时公布。

Article 9 In accordance with this Law and related laws and administrative regulations as well as export control policies, the State’s export control administrative departments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, formulate and adjust export control lists for controlled items pursuant to required procedures, and shall publish such lists in a timely manner.


Pursuant to the need to safeguard national security and interests, and fulfill nonproliferation and other international obligations, upon the approval of the State Council or both the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the State’s export control administrative departments may exercise temporary control over any goods, technologies and services not included in the export control lists, and make an announcement of such control. The duration of the temporary control shall be no longer than two years. An assessment shall be conducted in a timely manner before the expiration of the temporary control period, and a decision to cancel the temporary control, extend the temporary control, or include the temporary control items into the export control lists shall be made depending on the assessment results.


第十条 根据维护国家安全和利益、履行防扩散等国际义务的需要,经国务院批准,或者经国务院、中央军事委员会批准,国家出口管制管理部门会同有关部门可以禁止相关管制物项的出口,或者禁止相关管制物项向特定目的国家和地区、特定组织和个人出口。

Article 10 Pursuant to the need to safeguard national security and interests, and fulfill nonproliferation and other international obligations, upon the approval of the State Council or both the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the State’s export control administrative departments, in conjunction with relevant departments, may prohibit the export of relevant controlled items, or prohibit the export of relevant controlled items to particular destination countries and regions, particular organizations and individuals.


第十一条 出口经营者从事管制物项出口,应当遵守本法和有关法律、行政法规的规定;依法需要取得相关管制物项出口经营资格的,应当取得相应的资格。

Article 11 Exporting business operators who export controlled items shall comply with the provisions of this Law and related laws and administrative regulations; those who are required to obtain the qualifications for export operations of related controlled items in accordance with the law shall obtain such qualifications.


第十二条 国家对管制物项的出口实行许可制度。

Article 12 The State shall implement a licensing system for the export of controlled items.


For the export of controlled items included in the control lists or items subject to temporary control, exporting business operators shall apply for licenses to the State’s export control administrative departments.


For the export of goods, technologies and services not included in the control lists or not subject to temporary control, exporting business operators who know or should have known, or are notified by the State’s export control administrative departments that relevant goods, technologies and services may have the following risks, shall apply for licenses to the State’s export control administrative departments:


1. endangering national security and interests;


2. being used to design, develop, produce or employ weapons of mass destruction and their delivery vehicles; or


3. being used for terrorist purposes.


Where exporting business operators are uncertain about whether the goods, technologies and services to be exported fall under the scope of the controlled items of this Law, and consult the State’s export control administrative departments for that, the State’s export control administrative departments shall reply in a timely manner.


第十三条 国家出口管制管理部门综合考虑下列因素,对出口经营者出口管制物项的申请进行审查,作出准予或者不予许可的决定:

Article 13 The State’s export control administrative departments shall consider the following factors to review applications of exporting business operators for the export of controlled items, and make the decision to or not to grant the license:


1. national security and interests;


2. international obligations and external commitments;


3. types of export;


4. degree of sensitivity of the items;


5. countries or regions as export destinations;


6. end users and end uses;


7. related credit records of exporting business operators; and


8. other factors stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.


第十四条 出口经营者建立出口管制内部合规制度,且运行情况良好的,国家出口管制管理部门可以对其出口有关管制物项给予通用许可等便利措施。具体办法由国家出口管制管理部门规定。

Article 14 For exporting business operators who have established internal export control compliance review systems, and whose systems operate well, the State’s export control administrative departments may provide them with general licenses and other facilitation measures for their export of relevant controlled items. Specific provisions shall be formulated by the State’s export control administrative departments.


第十五条 出口经营者应当向国家出口管制管理部门提交管制物项的最终用户和最终用途证明文件,有关证明文件由最终用户或者最终用户所在国家和地区政府机构出具。

Article 15 Exporting business operators shall submit the end-user and end-use certification of the controlled items to the State’s export control administrative departments, which shall be issued by end users or by a national or local government agency in the place where such end users are located.


第十六条 管制物项的最终用户应当承诺,未经国家出口管制管理部门允许,不得擅自改变相关管制物项的最终用途或者向任何第三方转让。

Article 16 End users of controlled items shall make commitments that, without the approval of the State’s export control administrative departments, they shall not alter the end uses of relevant controlled items or transfer them to any third party.


Exporting business operators or importers who discover that end users or end uses are likely to be altered shall immediately report it to the State’s export control administrative departments as required.


第十七条 国家出口管制管理部门建立管制物项最终用户和最终用途风险管理制度,对管制物项的最终用户和最终用途进行评估、核查,加强最终用户和最终用途管理。

Article 17 The State’s export control administrative departments shall establish a risk management system for end users and end uses of controlled items, assess and verify end users and end uses of controlled items, and strengthen the management of end users and end uses.


第十八条 国家出口管制管理部门对有下列情形之一的进口商和最终用户,建立管控名单:

Article 18 The State’s export control administrative departments shall establish a controlled party list which comprises those importers and end users that:


1. violate requirements regarding the management of end users or end uses;


2. may endanger national security and interests; or


3. use controlled items for terrorist purposes.


For importers and end users included in the controlled party list, the State’s export control administrative departments may take necessary measures such as prohibiting or restricting the transaction relating to controlled items and ordering the suspension of the export of relevant controlled items.


Exporting business operators shall not enter into any transaction with any importer or end user that is included in the controlled party list in violation of the rules. Exporting business operators, who, under special circumstances, do need to enter into transactions with importers and end users on the controlled party list may apply to the State’s export control administrative departments.


Importers and end users included in the controlled party list who eliminate the circumstances referred to in paragraph (1) upon implementation of relevant measures may apply to the State’s export control administrative departments for removing them from the controlled party list; the State’s export control administrative departments may, in accordance with the actual situation, determine to remove such importers and end users from the controlled party list.


第十九条 出口货物的发货人或者代理报关企业出口管制货物时,应当向海关交验由国家出口管制管理部门颁发的许可证件,并按照国家有关规定办理报关手续。

Article 19 When exporting controlled goods, consignors or customs brokers of the goods for export shall submit the license granted by the State’s export control administrative departments to the customs for verification, and go through customs clearance in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.


Where consignors of the goods for export fail to submit the license granted by the State’s export control administrative departments to the customs for verification, and the customs have evidence that the goods for export may fall within the scope of export control, the customs shall raise queries to the consignors of the goods for export; the customs may request classification by the State’s export control administrative departments, and shall deal with it lawfully in accordance with the classification conclusion made by the State’s export control administrative departments. The customs shall not release the goods for export pending the classification or query.


第二十条 任何组织和个人不得为出口经营者从事出口管制违法行为提供代理、货运、寄递、报关、第三方电子商务交易平台和金融等服务。

Article 20 Any organization or individual shall not provide agency, freight, delivery, customs clearance, third-party e-commerce trading platforms, finance, and other services for exporting business operators engaging in violations of export control. 


第二节 两用物项出口管理

Section 2 Export Administration on Dual-use Items


第二十一条 出口经营者向国家两用物项出口管制管理部门申请出口两用物项时,应当依照法律、行政法规的规定如实提交相关材料。

Article 21 Exporting business operators shall truthfully submit related documents in accordance with laws and administrative regulations to apply for export of dual-use items to the State’s export control administrative departments of dual-use items.


第二十二条 国家两用物项出口管制管理部门受理两用物项出口申请,单独或者会同有关部门依照本法和有关法律、行政法规的规定对两用物项出口申请进行审查,并在法定期限内作出准予或者不予许可的决定。作出准予许可决定的,由发证机关统一颁发出口许可证。

Article 22 The State’s export control administrative departments of dual-use items shall accept applications for export of dual-use items, review the applications independently or in conjunction with relevant departments in accordance with this Law, related laws and administrative regulations, and make a decision to or not to grant the license within a statutory period. Where the license is granted, it is the duty of the license issuing authority to issue the export license.


第三节 军品出口管理

Section 3 Export Administration on Military Items


第二十三条 国家实行军品出口专营制度。从事军品出口的经营者,应当获得军品出口专营资格并在核定的经营范围内从事军品出口经营活动。

Article 23 The State implements a monopoly system for the export of military items. Operators engaged in export of military items shall obtain the monopoly privilege for exporting military items and conduct exporting business of military items within the permitted business scope.


The monopoly privilege of exporting military items shall be reviewed and granted by the State’s export control administrative departments of military items.


第二十四条 军品出口经营者应当根据管制政策和产品属性,向国家军品出口管制管理部门申请办理军品出口立项、军品出口项目、军品出口合同审查批准手续。

Article 24 Exporting business operators of military items shall, in accordance with control policies and product attributes, apply for review and approval of the export project proposal, program as well as contract for military items to the State’s export control administrative departments of military items.


The major export project proposal, program as well as contract for military items shall be reviewed by the State’s export control administrative departments of military items in conjunction with relevant departments and be submitted to the State Council and the Central Military Commission for approval.


第二十五条 军品出口经营者在出口军品前,应当向国家军品出口管制管理部门申请领取军品出口许可证。

Article 25 Before the export of military items, exporting business operators of military items shall apply to the State’s export control administrative departments of military items for the export license of military items.


When exporting the military items, exporting business operators of military items shall submit the license issued by the State’s export control administrative departments of military items to the customs for verification, and go through customs clearance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.


第二十六条 军品出口经营者应当委托经批准的军品出口运输企业办理军品出口运输及相关业务。具体办法由国家军品出口管制管理部门会同有关部门规定。

Article 26 Exporting business operators of military items shall entrust approved military items export transportation companies to handle the export, transportation, and relevant operations of military items. Specific regulations shall be formulated by the State’s export control administrative departments of military items in conjunction with relevant departments.


第二十七条 军品出口经营者或者科研生产单位参加国际性军品展览,应当按照程序向国家军品出口管制管理部门办理审批手续。

Article 27 Exporting business operators or research institutes and manufacturers of military items who intend to participate in international military items exhibitions, shall go through the review and approval formalities of the State’s export control administrative departments of military items pursuant to procedures.


第三章 监督管理

Chapter III Supervision Administration


第二十八条 国家出口管制管理部门依法对管制物项出口活动进行监督检查。

Article 28 The State’s export control administrative departments shall, in accordance with the law, supervise and inspect the export of controlled items.


The State’s export control administrative departments may take the following measures to investigate the suspected violations of this Law:


1. entering the business premises of parties under investigation or other relevant places to carry out investigations;


2. interviewing parties under investigations, interested parties or other relevant organizations or individuals, and requesting them to provide explanations related to the investigated matters;


3. examining and duplicating relevant vouchers, agreements, accounting books, business correspondence, and other documents and data of the parties under investigation, interested parties, or other relevant organizations or individuals;


4. checking the delivery vehicles used for the export, stop the loading of suspicious items to be exported, and order transport back of illegally exported items;


5. sealing up and detaining relevant items involved in the investigation; and


6. examining the bank accounts of parties under investigations.


It shall be approved in writing by principals of the State’s export control administrative departments to take the measures specified in Item (5) and Item (6) of the preceding paragraph.


第二十九条 国家出口管制管理部门依法履行职责,国务院有关部门、地方人民政府及其有关部门应当予以协助。

Article 29 The State’s export control administrative departments shall perform their duties in accordance with the law, and relevant departments of the State Council, local people’s governments as well as their relevant departments, shall provide assistance.


The State’s export control administrative departments carry out supervision and investigation independently or in conjunction with relevant departments, with which departments the relevant organizations and individuals shall cooperate with no refusal or obstruction.


Involved State authorities and their functionaries shall be legally obligated to maintain the confidentiality of any state secret, commercial secret, personal privacy, and personal information as learned during the investigation.


第三十条 为加强管制物项出口管理,防范管制物项出口违法风险,国家出口管制管理部门可以采取监管谈话、出具警示函等措施。

Article 30 To strengthen the administration of export of controlled items, and prevent the risks of illegal export of controlled items, the State’s export control administrative departments may conduct a regulatory conversation, issue a warning letter, or take other measures.


第三十一条 对涉嫌违反本法规定的行为,任何组织和个人有权向国家出口管制管理部门举报,国家出口管制管理部门接到举报后应当依法及时处理,并为举报人保密。

Article 31 Any organization or individual has the right to report the suspected violation of this Law to the State’s export control administrative departments. The State’s export control administrative departments shall deal with the report upon receipt thereof in a lawful and timely manner, and shall keep the information of the reporting party confidential. 


第三十二条 国家出口管制管理部门根据缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照平等互惠原则,与其他国家或者地区、国际组织等开展出口管制合作与交流。

Article 32 The State’s export control administrative departments shall, pursuant to the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the State, or according to the principle of equality and reciprocity, develop cooperation and exchanges with other countries, regions, and international organizations and so forth.


Any provision of information related to export control by an organization or individual within the territory of the People’s Republic of China to those outside the territory of China shall be conducted in accordance with the law; any such provision that may endanger national security and interests shall be prohibited.


第四章 法律责任

Chapter IV Legal Liabilities


第三十三条 出口经营者未取得相关管制物项的出口经营资格从事有关管制物项出口的,给予警告,责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,违法经营额五十万元以上的,并处违法经营额五倍以上十倍以下罚款;没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足五十万元的,并处五十万元以上五百万元以下罚款。

Article 33 Exporting business operators who export relevant controlled items without obtaining the qualification for export operations of related controlled items shall be given a warning, be ordered to stop the illegal act, and their illegal gains shall be confiscated, and where the illegal business amount is not less than RMB500,000, a penalty of not less than five times but not more than ten times the illegal business amount shall concurrently be imposed; where no illegal business amount is involved or the illegal business amount is less than RMB500,000, a penalty of not less than RMB500,000 but not more than RMB5 million shall concurrently be imposed.


第三十四条 出口经营者有下列行为之一的,责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,违法经营额五十万元以上的,并处违法经营额五倍以上十倍以下罚款;没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足五十万元的,并处五十万元以上五百万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,直至吊销相关管制物项出口经营资格:

Article 34 Exporting business operators who commit any of the following acts shall be ordered to stop the illegal act, and their illegal gains shall be confiscated, and where the illegal business amount is not less than RMB500,000, a penalty of not less than five times but not more than ten times the illegal business amount shall concurrently be imposed; where no illegal business amount is involved or the illegal business amount is less than RMB500,000, a penalty of not less than RMB500,000 but not more than RMB5 million shall concurrently be imposed; where the circumstances are serious, an order to suspend business for rectification or even revoke the qualification for export business of related controlled items may be imposed:


1. exporting controlled items without licenses;


2. exporting controlled items beyond the scope specified in the export licenses; or


3. exporting controlled items that are prohibited from export.


第三十五条 以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段获取管制物项出口许可证件,或者非法转让管制物项出口许可证件的,撤销许可,收缴出口许可证,没收违法所得,违法经营额二十万元以上的,并处违法经营额五倍以上十倍以下罚款;没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足二十万元的,并处二十万元以上二百万元以下罚款。

Article 35 Where any party obtains the export license for controlled items by fraud, bribery or other illegal ways, or illegally transfers the export license for controlled items, the license shall be revoked, the issued export license shall be seized, the illegal gains shall be confiscated, and where the illegal business amount is not less than RMB200,000, a penalty of not less than five times but not more than ten times the illegal business amount shall concurrently be imposed; where no illegal business amount is involved or the illegal business amount is less than RMB200,000, a penalty of not less than RMB200,000 but not more than RMB2 million shall concurrently be imposed.


Where any party forges, alters, or trade the export license for controlled items, the illegal gains shall be confiscated, and where the illegal business amount is not less than RMB50,000, a penalty of not less than five times but not more than ten times the illegal business amount shall concurrently be imposed; where no illegal business amount is involved or the illegal business amount is less than RMB50,000, a penalty of not less than RMB50,000 but not more than RMB500,000 shall concurrently be imposed.


第三十六条 明知出口经营者从事出口管制违法行为仍为其提供代理、货运、寄递、报关、第三方电子商务交易平台和金融等服务的,给予警告,责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,违法经营额十万元以上的,并处违法经营额三倍以上五倍以下罚款;没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足十万元的,并处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款。

Article 36 Any party that knowingly provides agency, freight, delivery, customs clearance, third-party e-commerce trading platforms, finance, and other services for exporting business operators engaged in violations of export control shall be given a warning, be ordered to stop the illegal act, and its illegal gains shall be confiscated, and where the illegal business amount is not less than RMB100,000, a penalty of not less than three times but not more than five times the illegal business amount shall concurrently be imposed; where no illegal business amount is involved or the illegal business amount is less than RMB100,000, a penalty of not less than RMB100,000 but not more than RMB500,000 shall concurrently be imposed.


第三十七条 出口经营者违反本法规定与列入管控名单的进口商、最终用户进行交易的,给予警告,责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,违法经营额五十万元以上的,并处违法经营额十倍以上二十倍以下罚款;没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足五十万元的,并处五十万元以上五百万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,直至吊销相关管制物项出口经营资格。

Article 37 Exporting business operators who violate this Law to enter into any transaction with importers or end users included in the controlled party list shall be given a warning, be ordered to stop the illegal act, and their illegal gains shall be confiscated, and where the illegal business amount is not less than RMB500,000, a penalty of not less than ten times but not more than twenty times the illegal business amount shall concurrently be imposed; where no illegal business amount is involved or the illegal business amount is less than RMB500,000, a penalty of not less than RMB500,000 but not more than RMB 5 million shall concurrently be imposed; where the circumstances are serious, an order to suspend business for rectification or even revoke the qualification for export operations of related controlled items may be imposed.


第三十八条 出口经营者拒绝、阻碍监督检查的,给予警告,并处十万元以上三十万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,直至吊销相关管制物项出口经营资格。

Article 38 Exporting business operators who refuse or obstruct the supervision and inspection shall be given a warning, and a penalty of not less than RMB100,000 but not more than RMB300,000 shall be imposed; where the circumstances are serious, an order to suspend business for rectification or even revoke the qualification for export operations of related controlled items may be imposed.


第三十九条 违反本法规定受到处罚的出口经营者,自处罚决定生效之日起,国家出口管制管理部门可以在五年内不受理其提出的出口许可申请;对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,可以禁止其在五年内从事有关出口经营活动,因出口管制违法行为受到刑事处罚的,终身不得从事有关出口经营活动。

Article 39 For exporting business operators who are penalized due to violations of this Law, from the effective date of the penalties, the State’s export control administrative departments can refuse to accept their applications for export licenses in the subsequent five years; persons directly in charge of the violations as well as other persons who are directly responsible for the violations may be prohibited from engaging in the relevant export business operations in the subsequent five years, and those who are convicted of criminal penalties due to violations of export control shall not engage in relevant export business for lifetime.


The State’s export control administrative departments shall include such exporting business operators’ violations of this Law into their credit records in accordance with the law.


第四十条 本法规定的出口管制违法行为,由国家出口管制管理部门进行处罚;法律、行政法规规定由海关处罚的,由其依照本法进行处罚。

Article 40 The State’s export control administrative departments shall be responsible for imposing penalties as to the violations of export control prescribed in this Law; to the extent that the customs are authorized by laws and administrative regulations to impose penalties, the customs shall impose penalties in accordance with this Law.


第四十一条 有关组织或者个人对国家出口管制管理部门的不予许可决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议。行政复议决定为最终裁决。

Article 41 Any organization or individual that disagrees with the State’s export control administrative departments’ decision not to grant the license may apply for administrative review in accordance with the law. The administrative review decision shall be the final verdict.


第四十二条 从事出口管制管理的国家工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权的,依法给予处分。

Article 42 State functionaries of export control administration who neglect their duties, play favoritism and commit irregularities, or abuse their powers, shall be subject to disciplinary measures in accordance with the law.


第四十三条 违反本法有关出口管制管理规定,危害国家安全和利益的,除依照本法规定处罚外,还应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定进行处理和处罚。

Article 43 Any party that violates the regulatory provisions on export control in this Law and endangers national security and interests shall, in addition to the penalties prescribed in this Law, be dealt with and punished in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations.


Any party that, in violation of this Law, exports controlled items prohibited from export by the State or exports controlled items without a license shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law.


第四十四条 中华人民共和国境外的组织和个人,违反本法有关出口管制管理规定,危害中华人民共和国国家安全和利益,妨碍履行防扩散等国际义务的,依法处理并追究其法律责任。

Article 44 Any organization or individual outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China that violates the regulatory provisions on export control in this Law, endangers the national security and interests of the People’s Republic of China, or obstructs the fulfillment of nonproliferation and other international obligations, shall be dealt with and held liable in accordance with the law.


第五章 附 则

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions


第四十五条 管制物项的过境、转运、通运、再出口或者从保税区、出口加工区等海关特殊监管区域和出口监管仓库、保税物流中心等保税监管场所向境外出口,依照本法的有关规定执行。

Article 45 Relevant provisions of this Law shall apply to the transit, trans-shipment, thorough transport and re-export of controlled items, or the export of such controlled items from customs special supervision areas such as bonded areas and export processing zones, and bonded supervision places such as export supervision warehouses and bonded logistics centers.


第四十六条 核以及其他管制物项的出口,本法未作规定的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定执行。

Article 46 For the export of nuclear items and other controlled items, if no provisions are stipulated in this Law, provisions of relevant laws and administration regulations shall apply.


第四十七条 用于武装力量海外运用、对外军事交流、军事援助等的军品出口,依照有关法律法规的规定执行。

Article 47 With regard to the export of military items for overseas use of armed forces, foreign military exchanges and military assistance, the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall apply.


第四十八条 任何国家或者地区滥用出口管制措施危害中华人民共和国国家安全和利益的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家或者地区对等采取措施。

Article 48 The People’s Republic of China may, depending on the actual situation, take reciprocal measures against any country or region that abuses export control measures and endangers the national security and interests of the People’s Republic of China.


第四十九条 本法自2020年12月1日起施行。

Article 49 This Law shall enter into force as of December 1, 2020.